• Open Hours: Mon - Fri 10.00 - 17.00
  • Talk To Expert : (647) 894-4561

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  • Assessing your skills
  • Realistic career options
  • Learning about resources
  • Career action plans
  • Feel more confident
  • Boost your confidence

Dr. Rehan Siddiqui

(Director & Founder)

(647) 894-4561



Consultancy & Enhancement Services

Strategy to Teach Topics

Integration and learning-by-doing through case discussion of any selected topic – intellectual approach to learning about strategy presented through the limited shape of a theoretical or practical modules

Portfolio Management

Time investment through professionals with the highest education and experience – Get the kind of detailed portfolio reporting that meets your needs

Career Making Decisions

Choosing your career path it is significant to think about many influences – Expert advice making a career decision, or any decision for that matter towards career goals through your career decision making process

Writing a Research Plan

The directions of research plan and writing the thesis – The Specific Aims section is a one-page formal statement of the objectives and milestones of a research project in a grant application

Research projects for grant application

The scientific environment of research and its contribution – the probability of success of the designed research proposal for institutional support, physical resources, and intellectual relationship

Modern Workplace Learning Environment

An important aspect of Modern Workplace Learning Environment is building and supporting continuous learning in the organisation- Opportunity to gain the process of smoothly merge within the modern work place




Our career counsellors will help you in:

Assessing your skills, interests and current situation

Learning how to explore realistic career options

Learning about available resources available to help you on your career


Develop short and long-term career action plans

Improve the relationship with your colleagues and seniors


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